Say ‘No’ To Artificial Grass for Garden Solutions
I wanted to write this blog to support in my own small way the work of the Society of Garden Designers, the Royal Horticultural Society and the Landscape Institute who have helpfully published the information I provide below to counter the claims that Plastic Lawns are ‘eco-friendly’. Loss of natural habitats caused by the decline of the quality of our gardens, green spaces and loss of green corridors is a massive factor in the depletion of our biodiversity. They aren’t the only or the best way to achieve a modern garden design look.
Why Plastic Lawns ‘are not’ Eco-friendly
They destroy natural habitats & soil:
It takes 2000 years to form 100mm of topsoil. This will be dug out when laying plastic grass and what is left will be suffocated. Earthworms, fungi and natural organisms that thrive in soil will be killed, plants will be eliminated and food for birds, insects and animals destroyed at a time when wildlife populations have plunged by 69% as highlighted by the Society of Garden Designers & the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS).
They contribute to carbon emissions:
Plastic grass is made from fossil fuel based plastics, the extraction and processing of which is a net producer of CO2, which combined with the emissions associated with the shipping of it when produced overseas contributes to global warming. By contrast a real grass lawn will absorb CO2.
They contribute to heat islands:
Real lawns cool themselves when heated by the sun through evaporation, whereas plastic lawns absorb the heat creating areas or islands that can be 26C hotter than the surrounding air.
They contribute to flooding:
Natural lawns will absorb rainfall slowing the flow of water into drains, plastic grass absorbs less than 50% causing run off and in turn flooding.
They contribute to pollution of our waterways:
The plastic in the artificial lawn will over time break down which results in the microplastics being washed into our drainage system and waterways whether river or sea.
They cannot be recycled:
Even where it is claimed these products can be recycled in principle, there are currently no suitable recycling facilities in the UK to accommodate this.
They do not last forever:
Artificial plastic grass has a lifespan of circa 15 years after which it will end up in landfill where it will continue to pollute the environment.
They are not maintenance free:
Over time the plastic lawn will accumulate a build up of excrement and urine from animals whether birds, mice, foxes and dogs; in addition organic detritus such as self-seeding grasses, weeds and moss. This will require regular cleaning with disinfectant and other chemicals.
What are the Alternatives to Plastic Lawns?
Traditional Lawns:
Grass lawns are sustainable, environmentally friendly and safe for wildlife as well as children. They have a natural resilience to drought. They are one of the toughest plants and will recover with rain. You can include areas of ‘rough’ grass within the garden left to grow longer to add to the overall design with interesting shapes and pathways. These can be combined with seasonal planting, bulbs and wild flowers to create beautiful islands of meadow.
Low Mow Lawns:
Tapestry lawns combine low growing flowering plants that are low maintenance and high in ornamental value to create a vibrant mix of colours and textures. They are beautiful, attract wildlife, absorb rainfall twice as fast as turf lawn and don’t need feeding. Chamomile lawns are a good low maintenance alternative to grass, requiring no regular mowing, feeding or watering whilst helping to improve the soil and attract pollinators.
Drought tolerant lawns:
Clover lawns are drought tolerant and don’t require mowing or watering and stay green all year round with the benefit of a starscape of flowers during the summer. They can be trodden on without causing damage and will attract pollinators. In addition they take nitrogen from the air and sink it into the ground providing a natural boost of fertiliser for itself and surrounding plants.
Lawns for play:
Natural grass is still the best option for play and can be easily looked after in the autumn with re-seeding as necessary. Children will come into contact with soil and immune boosting microbes compared to plastic which ongoing research indicates cause higher rates of injury than natural grass and release toxic gases into the air which are then inhaled.
Pratia pedunculata lawns are one of the hardest wearing non grass lawns when established. A mat forming evergreen plant studded with tiny white flowers through spring and summer, it has been tested as a sports turf option making it great for those with kids and dogs.
Find out more from Garden Design Experts
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DP Garden Design is located in Alresford, Hampshire, but we are able to offer our professional garden design services to the rest of Hampshire, Surrey, Berkshire, Dorset, Wiltshire and West Sussex. Please contact our specialist team today to kick start your magical garden design story.